2023 Protocol/Press, Public Relations Officer’s Workshop: DG Reiterates The Critical Role of Protocol, PR Officers in Projecting The Good Image of NYSC

    The Director General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brig. Gen. YD Ahmed has stressed the critical role of Protocol and Public Relations Officers in projecting the good image of NYSC.

    The Director General stated this while declaring open the 2023 NYSC Protocol/Presss and Public Relations Officer’s Training Workshop in Abuja.

    According to Ahmed, the programme is unique as it is the first of its kind to be held since his assumption of duty as Chief Executive of the Scheme.

    He said: “It is also, considering the role of the participants in driving one of the focal points of my administration’s policy thrust, which is strengthening stakeholders’ engagement for the promotion of

    the frontiers of the Scheme. “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Management is aware of the critical role of Protocol and PR Officers in projecting the good image of the NYSC, especially through various professional activities that have engendered public appreciation of its invaluable contributions to national unity and development. I, therefore, use this forum to commend the commitment and ingenuity with which you discharge your responsibilities. “In particular, I salute your dedication to ensuring efficient management of our public functions in line with the dictates of protocol as well as adequate publicity of the activities of the Scheme.

    “Despite your celebrated accomplishments, I hasten to remind you of the dynamic nature of your job and, in particular, the challenges that have put the Scheme in the spotlight in recent times. We must view threats coming from detractors, especially through the social media, with utmost seriousness. This informed the choice of the theme of this workshop, ‘Managing and Improving the Reputation of the NYSC: The Roles and Responsibilities of PR Officers.’ The training will equip you for improved performance in line with my administration’s policy on capacity building”.

    The Director General further noted that the forum serves as an avenue for the workshop participants, as reputation managers, to realign the NYSC PR strategies with a view to effectively tackling emerging challenges. The Director General also stated that the training will be comprehensive as it encompasses the critical elements of participants job profile, including reputation management, protocol and information management. The NYSC said that at the end, participants are expected to raise the bar of their output, particularly in monitoring the media and issuing timely rejoinders or releases to counter negative publications. He said: “Similarly, we expect remarkable improvements in the NYSC Radio and Television programmes, our in-house publications, and in event our management.
    “To further equip you for optimal discharge of your responsibilities, hence forth we will be sponsoring PR officers to attend the FRCN Training School, the NTA TV College as well as NIPR training programmes. Equally, Management will soon embark on comprehensive upgrade of PR Units of the Scheme across the country with modern communication gadgets in line with prevailing technological demands of PR practice. Already, the equipping of the new studio for NYSC TV is ongoing. I expect you to reciprocate these gestures with increased commitment to your duties”, he added.

    He also stated: “I would like to use this opportunity to implore you to deploy the available platforms for sensitization of serving and prospective Corps members on security consciousness. You are expected to draw their attention to the dangers of night journey, boarding of vehicles at unauthorized locations, attendance of late-night parties, and acceptance of car ride from strangers, amongst other risky acts.
    “In the same vein, Management places great emphasis on dress code for Corps members. In this regard, I urge you to pay special attention to the sensitization of Corps members on proper dressing at all times”.
    The Director General further expressed his gratitude to the resource persons for availing the participants to tap from their wealth of knowledge hoping that the participants will emerge from the training more informed and better equipped for Eddy Megwa fnipr, noted that the Officers’ Workshop serve as a upgrade their knowledge on contemporary practices in reputation management. His words: “We are therefore determined to leverage on our robust relationship with our professional colleagues to widen our scope and vision in strategic communication, adaptive critical thinking and vigorous media drive for greater activities and contributions of the Scheme to national development.

    “Given the increasing scrutiny of the affairs of NYSC by stakeholders, there is need for round the clock vigilance by the Scheme, particularly the managers of its corporate image. Consequently, I use this opportunity to appeal to my colleagues, the NYSC PR Officers to redouble their efforts and be more proactive in our PR strategies to ensure effective professional management of the corporate image of the Scheme. enable the participants embrace new knowledge on training on protocol.

    “This training will therefore incorporate reputation management. The inclusion of implementation of the Freedom of Information Act will also enhance their skill to handle emerging trends on events management as well as strategies for handling FOIA requests which of recent has become interest and interaction with the Scheme.. result-oriented training, especially the field officers, necessitated our desire for the selection of one of our greatest inflows of public seasoned professionals with known pedigree as resource persons. I am confident that at the end of this programme, the participants would be better equipped for optimal performance on their schedules. I, therefore charge all participants to take advantage of this workshop to update your knowledge for effective discharge of your responsibilities.

    “Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, without mincing words, permit me to pay glowing tribute to the enviable contributions of NYSC PR Officers in sustaining a positive image of the Scheme over the years. These Officers have surmounted challenges to ensure enhanced visibility of the Scheme in the media space. They have doggedly grown the audience of the new NYSC Radio impressively in the last one year of its operation. I am confident that the benefits of these media outlets will manifest in earnest when the operational issues confronting the station are sorted out, which is normal with new media outfits.

    “I must also place on record the Director General’s commitment to ensuring that the NYSC Radio and Television Stations remain afloat. At this juncture, let me tender my unreserved gratitude to the Director-General for approving the installation of a new NYSC Television Studio in the NYSC ICT building. This will definitely boost the outreach of the station, and we are indeed very grateful to the Director-General for this gesture as this will make us compete favourably with other national TV Stations

    in Nigeria. While we glee on the new Television studio, we equally appeal to the Director- General to graciously consider equipping the new station with the state of the art Television gadgets to complement the visual glamour of the station.

    “May I also note with deep satisfaction the Director General’s unwavering passion and commitment to Staff training. It is on record that the number of NYSC Staff that have gone for different forms of capacity building within the short period he has been in office is a demonstration of his desire for a vibrant and intellectually mobile

    “Finally, I welcome all our esteemed guests once more for honouring our invitation. Your presence is indeed a demonstration of your support to the NYSC and its noble objectives”, he added.
    The workshop was graced by Dr. Ike Neliaku fnipr, President, Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and Dr. Chris Isiguzo MFR, President, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), and both delivered goodwill messages. According to Eddy Megwa, their presence is an eloquent testimony of their commitment to the mutual friendship and relationship between the two great institutions and the National Youth Service Corps.


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