Bobrisky, Others to Face Jail Term as Reps Introduce Bill Banning Cross-dressing

A bill to ban cross-dressing in Nigeria has been introduced in the lower chamber of the national assembly.

A member of the House of Representatives,
Umar Muda has presented before the chamber a bill seeking to stop the likes of Bobrisky and James Brown, his copycat

According to report gathered, the bill has passed its first reading on the floor of the House on Tuesday.

With this proposed law, crossdressers now risk 6 months in prison if passed.

The bill seeks to amend the same-sex marriage (prohibition) act of 2013 by including cross-dressing as one of the offences under the act.

However, same-sex couples and gay persons in Nigeria are at risk of facing 14 years in jail if convicted by a court.

“A person engaging in cross-dressing is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment of 6 months or to a fine of five hundred thousand naira,” a part of the bill has read.


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