Nigerians obtain permission from the US government to stage a protest against Nigeria’s presidential election at Lafayette Park opposite the White House

Nigerians obtain permission from the US government to stage a protest against Nigeria’s presidential election at Lafayette Park opposite the White House

Nigerians in the United States of America have sought the permission of the United States Department of the Interior to stage a protest at Lafayette Park, opposite the White House.

The aim of the protest is to express their displeasure with the presidential election which held in Nigeria on Feb. 25, 2023. 

In a memo, the Nigerians explained that INEC “did not follow their guidelines nor rule of law in accordance of democratic principles.” 

They added in the memo: “We in the diaspora are demonstrating to call the attention of the US government and Biden administration to not recognise the projected winner.” 

The permission was granted to carry out a protest on April 3 on the condition that the participants must “comply with all of the conditions of this permit and with all reasonable directions of the United States Park Police.”


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