Nigeria, OACPS Signs MoU, Restates Commitment to Strengthen Cooperation

    Nigeria has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with OACPS in Abuja. The MoU was for the Establishment of a Dialogue Mechanism on Technical Cooperation between the Secretariat of the Organisation of Africa, Caribean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    The MoU was signed on behalf of Nigeria by His Excellency, Geoffrey Onyeama, the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs and His Excellency, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, Secretary General of OACPS.

    In his opening remarks, Onyeama lauded the excellent level of cooperation between Nigeria and OACPS. He further stated that the objective of signing the MoU is to strengthen this relationship.

    The Minister also expressed Nigeria’s appreciation to the OACPS not just for the signing of the MoU whose mechanism he noted is very strong but also on the establishment of the Secretariat of OACPS within Nigeria.

    He further stated that Nigeria will look forward for the framework that will strengthen this relationship and hoped that the political will is there to boost its realisation. He promised Nigeria’s effort to fast track the process of putting in place mechanisms for the hosting of the Secretariat in Nigeria.

    In his speech, the Secretary General of Organisation of Africa, Caribean and Pacific States (OACPS), His Excellency, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikodi noted that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with OACPS expressed Nigeria’s interest and commitment on the South-South cooperation. He also expressed his happiness that Nigeria has agreed to host the Secretariat.

    According to Chikodi, OACPS will continue to hope and count on the support of Nigeria in strengthening this relationship. He also noted that the signing of the MoU and the Symposium on Diaspora that is taking place in Nigeria are some of the measures being put in place to boost the south south cooperation that signified a stronger commitment of member States to this relationship.

    He further stated that the signing of the MoU between Nigeria and the OACPS is a re-affirmation of the greatness that Nigeria represents not just to Africa but to the rest of the world.

    The signing ceremony has in attendance, staff of OACPS, staff of Nigeria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Nigeria’s Ambassador to Belgium and Permanent Delegate to OACPS, Amb. Obinna Onowu.


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