FG Inaugurates Committee To Resolve The Crisis In NISCN

    The Federal Government in furtherance of its commitment to promoting Occupational Safety and Health in the workplace has inaugurated a committee to look into the crisis rocking the National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN).

    This was contained in a statement signed by Olajide Oshundun, Director, Press and Public Relations.

    The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, Kachollom Daju S. mni, stated during the inauguration that the council which had been set up in May 1964 by a cabinet decision under the Ministry, but had its activities suspended in 2023 following issues the ministry and the department of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) had with the council’s modus operandi and other peculiarities surrounding its establishment.

    Daju explained that the committee was tasked with the responsibility of looking into the issues facing the NISCN with the aim of determining the instrument that set up the council as well as provide the operational guidelines for the council.

    She charged members of the committee to ensure proper conduct in the execution of their duties and do all that is required to rebuild the reputation of the NISCN as a true model of exemplary tripartism in promoting occupational safety, health and welfare at work in line the ILO fundamental conventions (C155 & C187) on OSH.

    The Permanent Secretary however, reiterated that the ministry through the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) department, is statutorily responsible for safeguarding and promoting the safety, health, welfare and wellbeing of workers in their various workplaces.

    In his response, the chairman of the committee, Mr Ibrahim Mohammed Jiba, thanked the Permanent Secretary for the hounour given to him and members of the committee to serve whilst pledging the full commitment of the committee to do its best to bring back the glory of OSH and the NISCN.

    Also speaking, the Director OSH, Mrs Lauretta Adogu, appreciated the directors for their willingness to accept the responsibility and enjoined them to carry out the enormous task before them with all diligence.

    The composition of the committee members on the Resolution of National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria are as follows:
    i. Mr Ibrahim Mohammed Jibia – Chairman
    ii. Mrs Owie Florence – Secretary
    iii. Mr Nwokedi Osittadinma – Member
    iv. Mr Ogunmuko Babatunde – Member
    v. Engr Henry George Umoh – Ast. Secretary


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