Pastor Kevin Aigui Send Easter Message to Ika South Residents

    The Ika South Local Government Chairmanship Aspirant, under the flagship of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Pastor Kevin Osarodion Aigui, has joined Christians in Ika South Local Government Area and around the country to mark the Easter Day celebration, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, signposting his victory over death.

    Pastor Kevin in his Easter message said “At the heart of Easter, is the triumph of light over darkness.

    “It is a season that reminds us that the Almighty can turn an unpleasant situation round for good.

    “Easter is a time Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who offered Himself as a sacrifice for the remission of the sins of the world. Christ’s resurrection as a testimony of the new covenant is the justification for Christians’ commemoration of the triumph of life over death, freedom over bondage and hope over despair, at this time.

    “Recognising that Easter is about renewed hope and a glorious future, I urge all Ika south residents to continue to be confident and believe strongly in our country for better seasons ahead.”

    “I, therefore, urge us not to give up on ourselves and our nation no matter the challenges that confront us today. At all times we must remain resolute on our love for God and our nation and work towards building a country that we can all be proud of.

    “Through our faith and collective actions, we will overcome the tempests of violence, misery, and insecurity that threaten our nation.

    “We are more than conquerors and the future of our state and nation is bright, if we work as one.

    “As we celebrate this season with our families, neighbors and communities, let us do so in love, compassion, kindness, resilience and forgiveness. Happy Easter!”


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