Bagudu Harps on role of Private Sector in advancing Nigeria’s Economy

    The Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu (CON) has noted the pivotal role of the private sector in advancing the nation’s economic agenda, stressing the importance of collaborative efforts between government and industry stakeholders in driving innovation and prosperity. This was contained in a statement signed by Julie Osagie-Jacobs, Director Information (BEP).

    The Minister noted this recently in Abuja while receiving a delegation from the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) Trade mission to Nigeria.

    “As we embark on our journey towards economic transformation, your insights and contributions are invaluable,”. “The Corporate Council on Africa has been a steadfast partner in Nigeria’s development journey, and we are grateful for your continued engagement.”

    Highlighting Nigeria’s robust economic fundamentals, Bagudu underscored the country’s vast potential as an investment destination. “With a population exceeding 200 million, a thriving democracy and a dynamic market economy, Nigeria offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and expansion”

    According to him, “Through strategic partnerships and targeted investments, The Federal Government aims to unleash the full potentials of the nation’s economy and thus create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive.”

    Bagudu outlined key initiatives aimed at stimulating economic growth and attracting foreign investment, which include efforts to de-risk credit, promote infrastructure development, and enhance better access to finance for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

    He expressed confidence that through concerted efforts and strategic partnerships, Nigeria would emerge as a beacon of opportunity and prosperity in the global arena.

    In his speech, the Chairman of CCA and CEO of Axxess Technology Solutions, John Olajide, reiterated his commitment to Nigeria’s economic development, emphasizing the importance of innovation and collaboration in driving progress.

    Highlighting specific initiatives, Olajide shared insights into Axxess Technology Solutions’ contributions to Nigeria’s economy. “We are the largest employer of software engineers in Nigeria,” Our engineers’ innovative solutions have garnered international recognition, showcasing Nigeria’s potential in the tech industry, he disclosed.

    He also discussed Axxess’ involvement in agricultural development and healthcare technology, emphasizing the company’s commitment to addressing critical needs in the country.

    Also speaking, President and CEO of CCA, Florie Liser, expressed admiration for Nigeria’s economic vision and commended the country’s efforts to attract investment and drive sustainable economic development. Liser emphasized CCA’s commitment to supporting Nigeria’s economic aspirations and fostering greater collaboration between African nations and the United States.


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