Civil Defence HQ Co-Operative Investment and Credit Society Limited Presents Score Card, Hopes For Better Life Ahead.

    The Progression Team of the Civil Defence Headquarters Cooperative Investment Society Limited, has presented its score card of achievements and promises better life ahead if giving another mandate.

    The team listed the achievements under the following Manifestoes;

    1. MICRO FINANCE BANK: The Progression team when voted into office, will immediately declare the establishment of the NSCDC Micro Finance Bank a top priority. Continuing from where it was handed over in October 2019, this team will constitute a High Powered Committee to ensure all issues are treated with a sense of duty for a smooth take off of the bank.

    Our watchword shall be ‘Members first, members always’. This team, when emerge, shall immediately commence the empowerment of its members. This shall be achieved by obtaining an overdraft of a single digit interest rate facility.

    Agric, Small and Medium Enterprise Scheme (AGSMEIS). This is a facility of up to 10 Million Naira for existing businesses and 5 Million for startup businesses @ 5% interest from the CBN. This facility will run for 7 Years tenor and a moratorium period of 18 months. This scheme will create expertise in our members family unit especially on areas like Agriculture, Services, ICT, SME’s, Fashion Design, Craft & Entertainments etc.

    Mini Mart: Deductions for purchases will be in 3-4 instalments. Deductions in months of January shall be stepped down till February due to the usual large bills incurred by families at the end of the year.

    The Team shall source for fund from outside the income of the Society to stock the Mini mart always so as to meet up with members demand, while working to use the society funds for that.

    3. HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING FUND : With some of its members well positioned through proxy, the team will continue to drive further the gains made in Housing.

    The team shall continue with the windows of opportunities opened to the present executive where 64 housing Units of 2 & 3 Bedrooms have been approved by the FMBN under the Cooperative Housing Development Loan Scheme (CHDL). Where 20 units are at 90% Completion and at affordable prices.

    For the Junior Staff Housing Challenges, the team will explore the window of opportunities therein at the Family Home Funds (FHF). A World Bank project which is targeted at the lowest paid workers in the public service to own their homes with subscribers’ 25% Pensions Contribution to serve as equity.

    4. RETIREMENT/DEATH BENEFIT : Progression team will formalize and consummate every qualified retirement and death benefit accruing to members and their Next of Kin. This shall be prompt and all members shall be informed and encouraged to meet the necessary conditions in order to access this benefit.

    This team shall ensure that members funds are secured through all known financial prudence techniques, accounting procedures, Auditing Processes and through liquidity and risk management. We also pledge to make the Society profitable as much as possible through both real and secure speculative investment drives.


    (a) Progression Team will pioneer a Forex Investment drive. Members shall be trained to benefit from it as well as the society.

    (b) Establishment of Defender’s Bakery and Defender’s Bottle Water factory will be ventured into. This can be achieved through AGSMEIS project of the CBN meant for individuals and Cooperative bodies like our Cooperative Society.

    (c)  The team when it emerges, shall explore rice processing sector. This will be done using the Bank of Industry which has funds that could be accessed.
    (d) Establishment of DayCare and Crèche Services: This is aimed at making profit and easing the stress some nursing staff go through looking for baby seaters and its attendant disadvantages. (e) The Team will also ensure that it source for funds from the CBN to purchase TOKUNBO Vehicles for mostly the Junior Corps members which will serve as additional source of income if used for commercial purposes. 
    (e) Creation of a repair Centre: The team will imidiately create a space for service and repair centres for all Phones and electronics gadgets of menbers and also train interested members willing to learn the craft.

     7. OPEN GOVERNANCE : Winners shall not take it all, but carry along every member along. This shall be done by appointing other members to be part of other standing committees of the Society.  

    8. LAND ACQUISITION : We shall continue to engage and pursue the application already forwarded to the Minister of FCT through the Director of Lands for NHQ Cooperative Housing Estate.

    9. SYNERGY : The Progression team shall maximize potential of other chapters and even other agencies Cooperative to benefit from their up sides. For instance, a state chapter issues Cooperative Customize ATM cards and invoices.

    10.SIMPLIFY SMOOTHEN & STREAMLINE OPERATIONS: Progression team will ensure that operations at the Secretariat is made more efficient, effective and timely.

    Members Care Desk will be set up for these. Inquiries and complaints shall be treated in timely fashion.

    Internet/ICT shall be improved to serve members better and less physical.

    A Website shall be created for easy access to personal details like balances and updates.

    The Progression team pledged to implement programmes not yet executed for the benefit of members, and vowed to keep its words as it is a bond.

    So it using this medium to solicit for your votes on the election day to ensure these are achieved.


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