Commitment to Deepening Democracy: AWALCO Honours ECOWAS Lawmakers

The Association of West African Legislative Correspondents (AWALCO) has awarded its maiden merit awards to four distinguished parliamentarians from across the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The awardees were recognized for their exceptional commitment, dedication, and contributions to deepening democracy, enhancing the standard of living, and driving quality policy direction within the region.

The recipients of the prestigious awards include:

Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis: Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, from Sierra Leone. He was commended for his openness, accessibility to the press, and relentless pursuit of direct elections, good governance, and regional integration.

Hon. Awaji Abiante: A member of the ECOWAS Parliament from Nigeria. He was recognized for his robust and rigorous contributions to parliamentary discourse, intellectual performance, and commitment to engaging in fruitful debates.

Hon. Vilane Abdoulaye: A member of the ECOWAS Parliament from Senegal. He was lauded for his passionate and tireless efforts to transform the legislative process and his unwavering dedication to the well-being of citizens in the region.

Rt. Hon. Fatoumatta Njai: A member of the ECOWAS Parliament from The Gambia. She was celebrated as a champion for women’s emancipation and child welfare, and for her instrumental role in securing resources for initiatives that empower women and girls.

Speaking at the award ceremony, AWALCO President Innocent Odoh emphasized the association’s commitment to supporting the ECOWAS Parliament in fulfilling its critical mandate. He highlighted the importance of collaboration between the media and the legislature in raising awareness, mobilizing citizens, and promoting regional integration.

Odoh further called for the organization of periodic training programs and workshops for AWALCO members to deepen their understanding of parliamentary procedures, administrative measures, and policy issues specific to the ECOWAS Parliament. This, he believes, will foster a more informed and effective media corps, better equipped to contribute to the development and progress of the West African region.

The maiden AWALCO merit awards serve as a powerful recognition of the vital role parliamentarians play in shaping the future of West Africa. By acknowledging and celebrating their achievements, AWALCO hopes to inspire further dedication and commitment from regional lawmakers, ultimately leading to a more prosperous, democratic, and united West Africa.


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