ECOFEPA Ends a two-day symposium, Tasks Youths on meaningful engagements.

    The two-day symposium aimed at sensitising women and youths on proportional representation in politics came to an end with youths advocate calling for more platforms for exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences.

    It provided an interactive framework for the youths and leadership of the ECOFEPA on issues affecting their representation in politics and entrepreneurship.

    In her closing remarks, president of ECOFEPA Woraye Sarr, restated ECOFEP’s unrelated commitment to promote youth and women in political space.

    First vice president of the ECOFEPA, Biondu Olujimi who moderated the closing session, said there was the need for youths to be more responsible when given leadership positions and re-channel their energy into productive ventures.

    Other speakers at the event took turns to share their experiences as well as canvass for for youth entrepreneurship.

    Under representation of youths and women in politics remains an enduring and pervasive experience on the 21st century.

    The two-day symposium is tagged ‘ A sensitisation campaign on proportional representation of women and youths in politics, scaling up political partnership between men and women’.


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