Financial Expert Explains Why Vision 2020 Failed to Improve Citizens Success to Quality Basic Social Service.

A financial expert, Prosper HOUSSOU, has noted that despite the significant progress made in the implementation of ECOWAS Vision 2020 its evaluation showed that efforts still need to be made particularly to improve access for West Africans to quality basic social service.

He stated this at the ongoing First 2022 ECOWAS Parliamentary Seminar in Monrovia the Capital city of Liberia.

The financial expert in monitoring and Evaluation Issues, revealed that the Vision 2020 failed to achieve one of its main objectives of improving the access to quality basic social service of the citizens of the sub-region.

While presenting a paper on the Result of ECOWAS Vision 2020 Assessment, he said that significant progress has been made in the process of consolidating the Common Market, notably with the free movement of persons, trade liberalization scheme and the creation of the Custom Union which materialized by the entry into force of the Common External Tariffs in 2015.

According to him,’ In Infrastructure development field significant efforts have been made in the implementation of the regional facilitation programme with a particular focus on the juxtaposed border crossing programme and the corridor development programme.

He applauded the development of the region’s resources and promotion of the private sector which has strengthened the interconnection between Member States and enhanced progress in the establishment of electricity exchange systems as well as in the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency which has in no small measure contributed to the improvement of regional competitiveness.

He however regretted that the Vision 2020 failed to combat inequalities and all forms of human rights violations and improve the supply of infrastructure. He further noted that there is need to strengthen Members State ownership of programme and policies and work towards ensuring the effective implementation of these programmes and regulations.

The Financial and Monitoring and Evaluation expert advised that in order to avoid the repetition of some of these lapses, the Vision 2050 must seek to improve the visibility of programmes and intervention while ensuring the availability of sufficient financial resources as well as strive to improve and strengthen coordination and the evaluating system.


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