Founder of Twitter to Start a New App Called Bluesky Social to Compete With Twitter After Selling to Elon Musk

As predicted, wealthy folks are going to challenge Elon Musk and his Twitter acquisition.

Jack Dorsey, the original founder of Twitter is now launching a new social media app to challenge Twitter. The name is BLUESKY.

It is not yet publicly available, but you can sign up to be a Beta Tester of the App. To sign up, go to:

What makes this app quite interesting when available is that, Jack is building a new Protocol to be used for it. Called the @ Protocol, you can learn more about it at, you can also grab the you’ve code from their GitHub repo.

For those who don’t want to wait there is another one out of Germany called MASTODON @joinmastodon. This one is already available and has big following. This one is pretty much like Twitter, but they added some interesting twist to what Twitter offers. You can run this locally. It runs on Decentralized systems and also Open source.


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