Governor Umar Danmodi: A Source of hope and Joy to the good people of Jigawa State

    By Umar Akilu Majeri Dutse

    Certainly, for any government anywhere in the world to maintain its recognition, regard and value to the eyes of its populace, it has to effectively carry out projects that have direct bearing on its citizens. In short, the beauty of democracy, is for the people to enjoy its dividends. Once a democratically elected government fails to improve the well-being of the people, definitely it will lose its value and regard from the people it serves.

    This is why, most of the governments at all levels in the past in Nigeria lost their respect and recognition in the eyes of many citizens across the country for failing very woefully to improve their well-being through provision of basic social amenities such as constant water supply, effective health care delivery services, qualitative education and good roads network both in the urban and rural areas and host of others.

    It is interesting to note that, people cast their votes to the candidates of their choice into various public offices with the hope to enjoy the devidends of democracy and once such desires are not achieved, definitely the aim is defeated.

    So, failure of the government in power at all levels to provide the devidends of democracy to its citizens always generate numerous predicaments such as enmity, sabotage, criticisms, hatred and total condemnations which mostly make the government to gradually lost focus and direction.

    Therefore, no administration will forge ahead or work steadily once it lost balance and focus. Besides, for any administration to be able to carry out its developmental programs smoothly and efficiently, it needs the prayers, support and cooperation of the people. No doubt, this cannot be grantee once it fails to improve the living conditions of the people.

    Happily enough, His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Jigawa State, Malam Umar Namadi Danmodi, has the zeal and political will to improve the well-being of the good people of Jigawa State.

    Moreover, record has shown that, he is a personality who always wants to make a difference: empower the youths, create opportunities to the people, put smile on the faces of the masses, create condusive working atmosphere for the civil servants, encourage farmers and business men and women and host of others.

    It is no doubt, based on his religious background, indeep knowledge and wealth of experience as well as passion and interest definitely his administration will be a unique one.

    In fact, his recent appointment of experienced, tested and trusted personalities aa commissioners, unfolding policies and programs and of course, his first approach in governance by starting operating an open door policy can be seeing as some of the stepping Stones of achieving a successful administration.

    It is, of course, true that, any government that, needs to woo the support and cooperation of the people, it ought to create various avenues that will provide effective welfare to the masses in order to ease their suffering.

    Incidentally, His Excellency, Governor, Umar Namadi Danmodi has already swing into action in making the good people of Jigawa State to smile by reducing the price of farterlizer from 20,000 to 9,000 in order to make the commodity affordable and available to farmers as well as providing adequate grazing reserves for herdsmen.

    Not only that, plans are on top gear for his administration to estarblish psychiatric hospital, construct drainages on all the water ways across the state, provide street lights, green pack, refuse collection centres and estarblishing trees nursery centres in 10 local government areas in the State. All these, are parts of his plans to make Dutse, the city capital of Jigawa State, swear a new look, becomes very attractive and a reference point among the states in the federation.

    Apart from that, the bold step he has taken in splitting Ministry of Education into two by estarblishing Ministry of Basic Education and Ministry for Higher education with a view to ensuring sound education is achieved in the state is a very clear testimony of his burning desire to move the state educational sector forward.

    It is equally worthy to draw, the attention of His Excellency, Malam Umar Namadi Danmodi’s Administration to consider the possibility of completing both uncompleted and abandoned projects by the immediate past administration for the benefit of the good people of the state.

    At this juncture, I wish to applaud His Excellency, Malam Umar Namadi Danmodi for starting to fulfill his electioneering campaign promises made to the good people of Jigawa State. It is no doubt, what people are seeing are just introduction, more impressive projects are underway.

    It is gratifying to note that, His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Jigawa State Malam Umar Namadi Danmodi, has the well, interest and determination to move the state forward politically, socially and economically.

    Therefore, for His Excellency, to succeed, he needs the prayers, support and cooperation of all and Sundry to be able to continue carrying out developmental projects for the benefit of the people of Jigawa State and the country as a whole.


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