Kenneth Copeland Ministries Reacts to Death of Pat Robertson

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has reacted to the death of Pat Robertson, a religious broadcaster who turned a tiny Virginia station into the global Christian Broadcasting Network.

He died on Thursday at the age of 93.

In a statement titled: ‘“Well done, good and faithful servant,” on their official Facebook page,Kenneth Copeland Ministries, said Pat Robertson, was a “longtime friend of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland,” adding: He “transitioned to heaven today, and these are the words we imagine he heard from Jesus the moment he entered into His presence.”

The statement read: “A pioneer in Christian television, Mr. Robertson’s life and ministry impacted millions of people the world over.

“Mr. Roberston accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in the 1950s. The Lord spoke to Pat and told him to build a Christian television network for His glory. This call from God on his life led him to found the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in 1961, which resulted in the creation of its flagship program, The 700 Club. Today, CBN reaches millions of viewers all over the world.

“Mr. Robertson also authored numerous books and served as the founder and CEO of Regent University. His love to help people and his obedience to the Lord made a way for him to establish charities such as the Flying Hospital and Operation Blessing, which is one of the most successful charities in the world today. Additionally, Mr. Robertson loved his country, often teaching Christians about biblical issues in the political arena. He even ran for president of the United States in 1987.

“These are only some of the highlights of Pat Robertson’s ministry and service to the Lord. Join us as we honor him and celebrate a life well lived. He was indeed faithful, and we know he has now entered into the joy of our Lord.”

Continuing, they called on Christians all over the world “to join us as we come alongside his family and loved ones in prayer. May God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7, NKJV) May they be comforted, helped and strengthened by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26, AMPC). And may they fully experience the love of Christ in practical ways and be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16, AMPC). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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