Mrs Christiana Ngozi Agbo’s burial ceremony, Awaiting Resurrection

The sleepy village of Neke in Isi-Uzo Local Government of Enugu State, on the 1st of June, 2024 was enlivened with people from all walks of life including friends and family members who trooped into the town for the funeral and burial ceremony of late Mrs. Ngozi Christiana Agbo, aged 70 years.

The entire arena of the Public Primary School, Neke, Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, was filled to capacity and traffic on the Neke-Iheamufu road was brought to a standstill for the over four hours the burial talk and ceremony lasted by the Jehova Witness.

In a burial talk delivered by a senior Jehova Witness member, Mr. D. O Alo, he stated that the good thing about the late Mrs. Ngozi Christiana Agbo is that she lived a life worthy of emulation as she infested love to all those who came across her, adding that since she died in the Lord, she would remain blessed, awaiting Resurrection. He equally added that the ceremony was not necessarily to Bury Mrs. Ngozi Agbo since Jesua Christ had conquered death, but to give testimony to the legacies she left behind.

In their various testimonials about their mother, her first daughter, Mrs. Esther Nzube Ladein, a businesswoman, said: “My mother is a lovely mother, she likes music and Sometimes, we would sit down together and dance in our own local way, and everyone would be happy. She always encouraged me to be like others. Personally, I am a shy person, and I am not a make-up person, but my mother will always request to buy me lipstick and other makeup so that I would be like others. But I told her that I am different from others and would want to remain like that. I can not do without her. Despite my difficult situation, she was always there for me. She supported me physically, materially, and spiritually, and she made me stand firm. She is my sweet mother.”

Her second daughter, Mrs Praise Ozioma Eze, a staff of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, in her testimony concerning her late mother, said: “My mother is a lioness. My mother is my very close friend. I have a pet name from her “Praise Nwannem,” which means in Igbo language, “Praise my sister.” I am like a sister to her. She was with me in Abuja, 2020, 2021, and 2022, when she was in and off hospitals. She has been a part of my family, and I can not do without her. If I am dying or she is dying, we are always there for each other, and that’s the bond we have always shared. I am going to miss her. My mother is somebody who doesn’t take nonsense. She is a disciplinarian. She treats everybody equally. She does not discriminate. She is industrious. I learned a lot from her. My mother is somebody that, if you offend her, she will be the person to apologise to you. She doesn’t encourage enmity. She wants everybody to learn from her. I have always told my husband that I look up to my mother on how to build my family. I promised her to remain faithful to Jehovah and that I would not look back and would continue to look forward. “

One of the late Mrs. Ngozi Agbo’s siblings, her immediate younger brother, Mr. Onyebuch Aguoha, a retired Deputy Director of NIPOST, said this of his late sister. ” She was my immediate senior sister, I can’t stop crying for her. When our mother died in 1970, after surviving the civil war, she took over. She was a good woman. A hard-working woman. The kind of woman every man would want to marry. She changed the fortune of her family for the better. She was the pillar of her family. She brought her husband from scratch, and through her industry, they were able to own buildings and cars. She trained all her children to be graduates. I remember vividly how she and I strived to help bring up our younger siblings in the absence of our mother. If she is carrying rice, I will carry water following her. I remember my experience with her vividly, how I trekked from Dikenafai to Okigwe with palm wine. There is nobody without fault. She is temperamental. But if you understand her like I did, we have never quarrelled. She gives you her all. Entertainment is her hobby. I have lost somebody. “

Also, one of her siblings, Mr. Christopher Aguoha, retired staff of NIPOST, has this to say of her sister: “I remember her for her industry, she was able to train all her children to become graduates and gave them good positions in life.”

According to her biography, the late Mrs. Ngozi Christiana Agbo was born and married into a Christian home, and until her death, she maintained her faith in the God she strongly believed in all her life. She had been an active publisher of the Good News of God’s Kingdom till death. She was baptised in the year 1970 as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. She strongly believed in Resurrection Hope as all Jehovah’s Witnesses do.

She left behind the following: Esther Nzube Ladein, Praise Ozioma Eze, Elizabeth Nkasiobi Agbo, Emmanuel Emeka Agbo, Goodness Egbogu, and Jennifer Chinasa Agbo. Also, she has twelve grandchildren who anticipate her resurrection in the new world. She also left behind her siblings. She was interned in her late husband’s, Charles Nnamani Agbor’s family compound in Neke.


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