The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) is scheduled to host a regional workshop in Abuja, Nigeria bringing together leaders of African Deposit Insurance Agencies to share knowledge and expertise to strengthen the implementation of deposit insurance systems on the African Continent.

    This was contained in a statement signed by
    the event which is scheduled to take place between the 4th and 7th of October
    2022, is a Technical Assistance Workshop (TAW) under the auspices of the African Regional Committee (ARC) of the International Association of Deposit
    Insurers (IADI).

    The weeklong workshop with the theme “Normality in Turbulent Periods: The Stabilising Role of Deposit Insurance”, will explore issues such as the role of deposit insurance in early detection and timely intervention in resolving bank failures as well as crisis management and strengthening operational resilience of deposit insurance agencies.

    Deposit Insurance organisations from more than 15 African countries including Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Somaliland, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe are expected to attend Representatives of Deposit Insurance

    Agencies from Chinese Taipei, Kenya, Indonesia, United States of America
    as well as the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) and the IADI Secretariat both in Basel, Switzerland are expected to form part of the resource persons and panellists at the Workshop. The workshop is taking place against the backdrop of the 20th Anniversary of IADI which was established in May 2002 with a mission to share deposit insurance expertise with the world.

    As a deposit insurer and member of the Financial safety net in Nigeria, the NDIC is a founding member of IADI, pioneer member of its executive council and founding Chairperson of the African Regional Committee (ARC).

    The NDIC joined IADC as a founding member In 2002 and was a pioneer member of Executive Council and Chairperson of the IADC-Africa Regional Committee ((ARC) respectively in addition, the NDIC had also served on various IADC Council and Technical Committee such as the Audit and Risk Council Committee (ARCC). Core Principles and Research Council Committee (CPRC), the IADC Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG), the Islamic Deposit Insurance Technical Committee (IDITC) and the Training and Technical Assistance Council Committee (TTAC) to mention but a few.

    The hosting of the IADC-ARC Technical Assistance Workshop by the NDIC is a recognition of the Corporation’s international standing and significant achievements and expertise in the implementation of deposit insurance system in Africa.



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