Nigerian Pastor Processes International Passports, Flight Tickets for 37 of His Members with Tithes, Offerings.

Apostle Chinyere was said to have handed over international passports to a set of 37 members who intend to travel abroad to better their lots in life.

It was gathered that the cleric paid the fees for processing the passports to the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) from tithes and offerings collected in the church.

Some of the beneficiaries will be going outside Nigeria to further their education, while others will be travelling for work. Those leaving the country for work got employment visas, not visiting ones.

Those looking for greener pastures are mechanics, factory workers, carpenters, electricians, and so on.

Moreover, their flight tickets are also fully funded from the same sources. “I was homeless 15 years ago and I slept under bridge”: OPM Paster Chibuzor Chinyere shares story.

Chinyere had said he had it tough while coming up in life as he had to sleep under a bridge some 15 years ago.

The man of God made a Facebook post saying he was unable to go to school due to poverty in his younger days.

Apostle Gift is grateful to God In the thanksgiving post, he was full of appreciation to God for helping him to now sit with presidents of countries.


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