Outrage as 6 Year Old Pupil of Startrites School Abuja Drown in The School’s Swimming Pool

According to Twitter user, Adenle_David,

“My 6-year-old little cousin had a swim day at her school startriteschool Obviously the coach advised her to swim as far as possible and swim back, when she got back, he tossed her multiple times in the air at the shallow side of the pool and she hit her head and had internal bleeding, even with that, the coach continued pushing her into the pool to continue swimming.

He later brought her out and she put her hands on her head. After a few seconds, her hands dropped and she passed out.

The school called her parents to rush over to the emergency clinic that their child had a minor injury, only for us to reach and found her been applied pressure on at the emergency clinic.

Suspicions is, she died prior to arriving at the emergency clinic.

We requested for the CCTV, when it arrived, we found out they had doctored the tape, asides that, the executive of the school actually went to the emergency clinic and told them not to give us the clinical report, until we threatened them before they delivered it.

Presently the school is open like nothing occurred and they aren’t assuming responsibility as well as misleading different guardians of the school that she was debilitated before she came to school, someone that hasn’t even been to the clinic in almost 2 years.

Let it be known that the hospital said she had passed on before she even got to the emergency clinic, no CPR was given prior to taking her to the medical clinic. The hospital said they pumped her chest for almost 3 hours.”


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