Pregnant woman who begs younger sister to sleep with husband, regrets her action (video)

A Nigerian lady simply identified as Onyinye has disclosed how her pregnant sister pleaded with her to have an affair with her husband because she did not want him to be cheating with other girls.

The young woman granted her sister’s request, but it resulted in the man impregnating her three times, of which she aborted two.

However, Onyinye is currently carrying the third child but she does not want to do abortion again, and her sister is threatening to close down the business she opened for her.

The married woman also said she would send Onyinye away if she insists on not aborting the pregnancy. According to the affected girl, her sister has two children and she is carrying the third baby.

Onyinye who said she has been living with her senior sister since she finished from secondary school, sought the help of Ada Uli and Famous Comedy to intervene in the matter because she does not want to remove the child or be rendered homeless.

A chaotic incident happened between when Famous and Uli stormed the man’s house to plead Onyinye’s case.

A video which has gone viral on social media shows the moment the married man tried chasing them out of his house, saying it was a family matter.

Onyinye’s sister said she must abort the baby because she betrayed her by getting pregnant as the agreement was only for her to be sleeping with him and nothing else.

Famous got irritated by the couple’s refusal to be reasonable and brought up the idea of involving the police.

After a heated exchange for about 13 minutes, the Famous, Uli and Onyinye left his house and he told the man that if they involve government he will be in trouble.

Watch the video below:


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