Religion, Ethnicity Will Not be Part 2023 Census Questionnaire – NPC

    Ahead of the commencement of the 2023 census, the National Population Commission (NPC) today said it will not ask questions on religious affiliation.

    In a statement today by the Director of Public Affairs, Isiaka Yahaya, the Commission said the decision to exclude religion along with ethnicity from the census questionnaire was taken in consideration of the sensitive nature of these issues within the Nigerian polity.

    He also stated that the need to save the census data from needless controversies and attention will compel the NPC to avoid questions bordering on religion.

    “For the avoidance of doubt, the Commission wishes to state unequivocally that the 2023 Population and Housing Census will not canvass questions on religion and religious affiliations of respondents.”

    This comes amid a viral WhatsApp audio claiming that the religious affiliation of a person will be canvassed. The exercise is scheduled for May 3.


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