Russia Ukraine War Can Cause Hunger, Unaffordable Food Prices, Riots in Some African Countries, Says Director General, World Trade Organisation.

The Director General, World Trade Organisation, Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, says that the Russian war in Ukraine would cause hunger, more poverty, unaffordable food prices and riots in Nigeria; Ghana, South Africa and other 32 African countries.

Dr Okonjo Iweala stated in a report by the Nigerian Standard Newspaper Online based in United States that, “the Knock-on effects of Russia’s invasion results in the dependence of many African countries on food supplies from the Black Sea region’

“I think we should all be very worried. The impact on food prices and hunger this year and next could be substantial”

She noted that food and energy are the two biggest items in the consumption baskets of poor people all over the world.

“It is poor countries and poor people within poor countries that will suffer the most”, Okonjo Iweala explained.


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