Train Attack: Families of Abducted Victims Issues FG Condition to Resume Operations

Family members of those kidnapped during the Abuja-Kaduna train attack on March 28, has expressed displeasure over plans by the federal government to resume rail services on the corridor while their people remain in captivity of the terrorists.

Speaking at a media briefing on Friday, the families said the government should not be thinking of resuming train services until the abducted persons are rescued and reunited with their families.

They argued that safety measures also need to be put in place before services resume so as to prevent future attacks.

It will be recalled that following the attack, a yet-to-be-determined number of persons were kidnapped by the attackers.

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) had since commenced repair works on the damaged train tracks in preparation for the resumption of operations along the Abuja-Kaduna route

But the families of those abducted, speaking through their representative, Dr. Abdulfatai Jimoh said the NRC should not be talking about resuming services on that corridor for now.

“The NRC should not be talking about reopening their services now when our people are in captivity, because what is the assurance that if they start services now, the people that will board the train are safe?

“What measures have they put in place to guarantee the security of those that are going to patronize their services? We don’t want a recurrence.

“The first thing should be to get the captives out and then, they can put adequate measures in place and resume services so that this does not happen again in future.

“We want to believe that they will not do it [resume rail operations], because if they do, we will not take it lightly with them. We believe they will not because they know what is at stake.”


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