Troops Neutralise Dreadful Boko Haram Members, Injure Others [Photos] 

Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has killed several Boko Haram/ISWAP insurgents during military operations in the Vretet-Zamga-Ngoshe triangle in the general area of Kirawa on the Nigeria /Cameroon borders.

It was learned that the MNJTF sector 1 Cameroon carried out the military operations that led to the death of many of the terrorists and injuring others who fled with gunshot wounds.

According to a security expert, Zagazola Makama, the operations were conducted within the period between February 23- 27 2022.

The troops were said to have recovered a large number of materials and assorted foodstuff, 01 AK47 rifle, 01 AK47 Magazine, several ammunitions of the 7.62 MM special variant, 21 bicycles, 01 BHT uniform, 39 bags millet.

The items were being smuggled from the borders to sambisa forest and it is believed the terrorists are stockpiling materials for the incoming month of Ramadan.

Further exploitation of the engagement areas showed traces of blood, evidence of BHT/ISWAP criminals removed corpses of their dead colleagues while 2 corpses of Boko Haram criminals were discovered.

In his reaction, The Force Commander (FC) MNJTF, Major General Abdul Khalifah Ibrahim has sent his personal commendation to Commander Sector 1 with headquarters (HQs) in Mora (Cameroon), Brigadier General Bouba Dobekreo.


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