Villa Cabal Convene in Mecca to Plot Last-minute Block of May 29 Handover

Senior members of the infamous ‘Villa Cabal’ are in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to plot a last-ditch attempt to block the scheduled democratic handing over of power to the winner of the presidential election, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on the 29th of May.

These figures, many of whom are reported to have spearheaded several controversial deals and government actions that could result in a criminal conviction if investigated, are reportedly turning to legal subterfuge after failing to install their puppet through a series of overtures made to influence the outcome of the APC presidential primaries and the main election itself.

According to sources briefed on the details of meetings held by the cabal in the last 24 hours, they are desperately hunting for a Federal High Court Judge willing to grant injunctions to halt the swearing-in exercise on frivolous grounds.

They have reportedly made several phone calls to justices, threatening and harassing them to join their plot to undo Nigeria’s democracy and throw the country into an intractable crisis.

The contacted FHC Judges are wary of participating in such a plot, unwilling to destroy their names and reputation as undertakers of the country’s democracy. One of the justices threatened by the Cabal has reportedly sought cover with a Supreme Court Judge, pleading for protection from the wrath and famed vindictiveness of this group.

President Buhari has reportedly been made aware of the coup but he has declined to grant his blessing, warning to throw those involved under the bus should such be executed. However, his laissez-faire leadership style is said to be the reason the Cabal has proceeded regardless, certain that they could get away with the action if the injunction is timed to coincide with Buhari’s final hours as President.

Although the Appeal and Supreme Courts are the only judiciary institutions with the legal remit to entertain and issue rulings on the presidential election, the Cabal’s scepticism over their ability to secure a frivolous judgement in either of both courts is said to be the reason they are focusing on the Federal High Court.

They plan to obtain the injunction and force its execution through their characteristic perversion of the constitution and undue influence in the presidency.

This tactic is not dissimilar to that of General Ibrahim Babangida in 1993 when he hid behind ruling procured from Chief Judge Dahiru Saleh to annul the June 12 presidential contest considered to be the freest and fairest in the country’s democratic history.

The Cabal’s lack of success, thus far, is said to be due to the dread of the FHC judges suffering the same fate as Dahiru Saleh who ruined his reputation and earned treatment as an unpatriotic outcast, together with his family, having helped the one of the most grievous acts of injustices carried out in the country.


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