We Have Developed a Robust Curriculum to Get the Best-NDPC

    The National Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer of Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), Dr. Vincent Olatunji has stated that the Commission has developed a robust curriculum for the accreditation of DPCOs that will be involved in data protection and privacy provision in Nigeria.

    The NDPC boss stated this in Abuja during the signing a.nd presentation of a Certificate of Licence to the Institute of Information professionals in Nigeria.

    He further noted that the curriculum has gone through so many processes and imput from a lot of other friends of the Commission where it was subjected to a thorough review and all the added values from different friends and partners harmonised.

    This, he noted, was done taking into consideration the ECOWAS Convention of 2010, AUGP of 2018, and the Nigerian reservation Act 2023. He also enjoined the Institute of Information Management to adhere strictly to the guidelines and processes contained in the Licence certification to avoid being deregistered as the commission will be vigilant in monitoring their adherence to this provision and will not hesitate to weild the hammer wherever there is a contravention.

    He further congratulated the Insitute of Information Management for their tenacity and doggedness that enabled them to scale successfully through the rigorous evaluation exercise.

    In his response at the occasion, the President/Chairman of Governing Council of Institute of Information Management, Amb. (Dr.) Oyedokun Oyewole thanked the Nigerian Data Protection Commission for finding the Insitute worthy of their Licence.

    His words: “We want to appreciate their tenacity, we want to appreciate their orderliness, we want to appreciate your efforts. What they brought into governance in Nigeria. I must confess that in the course of our interaction with different government organizations in Nigeria, I think NDPC has been a tremendous agency . I think they deserve a round of applause.

    The professionalism we carried out, their operation and activities infact I could remember one of the team members asking us shortly after the last section we had with NDPC, if NDPC was actually government agency because from the way they operate it nothing different from what you find in the private sector and this goes to show the caliber of professionals that are employed in this NDPC and I also want to use this opportunity to call on other government agencies in Nigeria to borrow a leaf from way and manner NDPC carry out their activity.

    I think if other agencies can embrace this kind of attitude, this kind of process, Nigeria will continue to evolve as number 1 in Africa. Without taking too much of our time, I want to thank all management staff of NDPC, the employees, and all the stakeholders that have been through this process, and it hasn’t been easy .

    It has been a rigorous process. It’s has been a process of back and front . They are always in for the best, the highest in standard for anything. So if you are going to get involved with NDCP, you have to be ready, you know what you’re doing,you know what it takes, you must be ready to rise to those expectations. I want to congratulate the National Commissioner because this is a major milestone in the history of Nigeria.

    And if you go down in the history of this great country, it will be on record that Nigeria is able to come up with something like this initiative that has never happened in Africa but it’s happening in Nigeria. Which will go out there to stamp out the authority in the African continent that Nigeria is the giant of this great continent. So thank you, and we wish you a wonderful day. “There was a presentation of certificates and group photographs.


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